Mateusz Piórowski
Senior full-stack developer.
Fan of Svelte, Go and Rust.
And a little obsessed with bears.
I've been coding since 2012 and have never stopped loving it. For me, each new programming task is like a small puzzle to solve - the more challenging, the better. And when I find an elegant and efficient solution ... that is truly satisfying.
Currently have a pleasure of working at Solace as Tech Lead.
Right now the creator of two projects:
GoFast - The Ultimate Foundation for High-Performance, Scalable Web Applications with the Power of Golang and SvelteKit/Next.js. Backed by a powerful CLI.
UpSend - The easiest way to manage files, images, and emails in your application. And it's free!
If you enjoy my works, consider sponsoring me on GitHub Sponsor to keep them sustainable.